Friday, February 19

“Forget love, I'd rather fall in chocolate.”

I've been dreaming a lot about food lately, not food that’s healthy but food that helps you, generously, not be able fit into your own pants. Makes me wonder, can't I even not-gain- weight even in my dreams!

Well, set a few facts straight, I am not a glutton, but once in a while I just get into a kind of trance where all my thoughts are governed by reshmi kababs,  garlic breads with dip, swirls, salads with extra ex-tuh-ra mayonnaise, Subs, gol gappe, dessert(you don't want me to even start there!) and what not. Secondly, my portions are pretty small and I sometimes wonder why I even bother to order something all for myself when I know I, invariably ,won't be able to finish it, or even if I do, I’d be cribbing about a way-more-than-full stomach. Thirdly, I give in to the temptations(result: the consequent struggle with my pants) for people keep telling me, time and again, 'Seriously woman,If you're Fat , I am the Dalai Lama'. But the thing is there are days when I just don’t care for I know that I have a set of look-slim-no-matter-what clothes which are reserved for the following day.

But the main reason for writing this post is that while biting into the succulent kabab last night (*sigh*) I hit upon the ultimate ontological truth that us humans have been neglecting for a long time, for the sake of ‘something more meaningful and higher.’

Polithinks: Good food is the only thing that satisfies your needs and keeps you happy, ALWAYS! Not relationships,not family, nor pets (they die too),not money, not success (for your friends then somehow fall prey to jealousy), nor beauty (it fades) and sometimes not even sleep(‘To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub’)!

So here I am all ready to go out again and grabbing a bite(or two!) and some happiness.

p.s: I have set my alarm. I am sooooo going for a jog in the morning.


Pesto Sauce said...

We all need food and we are happy to eat good food...agreed cent percent

And I was in a hurry...its not overdramatised

Amropali said...

ok, maybe i should have used 'too graphic'.
my bad.

Bitter God said...

can never ever argue with that logic... good food certainly is the only thing that can make you happy always...

a girl from yesterday... said...

especially wen dat promise of next-morning jog drives away all d guilt!!! ;)

Amropali said...

@yester-girl---> eggs-act-lee

@BG--> cheers to the chomps.

pennylessnick said...

i have a good mind to logically dissect everything u said and make it completely right or completely wrong. its that i really liked the title and i am not going to bother any further! nice post.

Kaustubh said...

Hmm.. Food is satisfyin only for a short period... Then thr does cm a time when even food(read chicken ;) ) seems all da same.. Its good that u've found the 'hunger' for al things immortal. (no pun intentd) . Keep seeking da answer. U'l hav ur answer. Tc. All da bst!