Tuesday, November 29

Checklist for a working girl's/ charmingly-awkward December-child's birthday

It's that time of the year when I feel like writing a girly-girl post again. Well, if anyone has read 25 random things about me
 they would know that my birthday is on Dec.18 and "it's one of the hugest deal in the world to me."
 So, with less than a month left for the day, I've prepared a checklist for myself which I think will help me enjoy my birthday more.Although some of the things on the list may seem absolutely irrelevent, it all makes perfect sense in my head. 

Here's the list:
  • Splurge on a birthday dress. Splurge on two. (check)
  • Stop the gastronomical indulgences till the birthday for you want the dress(es) to fit you perfectly on your birthday too.  (check)
  • Act your crazy head out about a month ahead of time (we all have to let the steam out from time to time ) so that you are your charming old self n people don't think you are a b%##^^ on your birthday.(check)
  • Start making subtle reference to your birthday in conversations with friends so they don't forget the date.  (on going)
  • Don't give any clues as to  what you want on your birthday if you are surprisophilic. (on going)
  • Go slow on the social interactions with your 'usual' people.  You won't enjoy the day if you have been getting  an overdose of social gatherings and 'happy', ' happening' times. Abstinence is the word. (on going)
  • Reconnect with the friends whom you've not spent much time with of late. Reminisce.  You'd be surprised how fulfilling these meets would be. Don't overdo it. (on it)
  • Don't take any sudden whimsical leaves from work. I know we(especially you) all do it once in a while owing to the I-don't-give-a-smelly-rat's-ass-about-how-pissed-my-boss-would-be-if-I-take-the-day-off-today moods.  You need the money (for you've already splurged on the dress and a check on gastronomical indulgence doesn't mean stop eating! ) and they won't really be happy if you are celebrating your birthday at the company's expense. (fighting strong urges not to)
  • Give your beloved some space. A lot of it, in fact. 'Distance makes the hearts go fonder', anyone? Only then, anticipation of the long awaited hug on your birthday would be worth it. (ongoing)
  • Since you have cut down on the socializing go for solitary morning walks. Winter mornings have the curious ability to suddenly activate your dormant-god-knows-since-when neurons and you feel awesomely smart throughout the day. (check)
  • Just before the D-day finish reading a book that touches you so deeply that you cry for hours and come out of it with just the right cathartic effect. The smile on your birthday will then be liberating.  (not yet)
  • Get a pedicure, you'd need your soles if you wanna dance the night away on the Day. (not yet)
  • Get a nice ooh-la-la(NOT The Dirty Picture fame) haircut. You don't want your hair to look like forgotten dirty a broom (not even worth a penny in Horwarts) while the rest of you is looking (if not a million) a few thousand bucks worth. (research on)
  • Work. Don't procrastinate at least for some days before your birthday. That way the days would pass faster and you won't have a lot of pending work when you can really do with some presenteeism at work on/post D-day. (on it. :-/ )

Friday, November 18

20 Questions - (un)popular opinion

I am feeling awefully candid today. So here is a list of questions I'll answer, depending on the demand for the question. I'll update the answer in the post, as and when the question is chosen.

Send me a number and I’ll tell you my unpopular opinion (each person gets to chose only 2 numbers):
1. A crazed-over television program you do not/never cared for.
A color you think is over-rated.
A selection of celebrities you don't give a rat's add about.
A pastime you 'don't get'.
A habit you can't stand.
Something you really like doing which everyone else around you cribs about.
  • Waking up early in the morning. Been the eternal wake-up call and have been sworn at, gotten things and tantrums thrown at meself . #jobhazard.
7. Your favorite household chore.
Getting supplies and storing up the fridge.
8. Popular websites that make you go 'blah'.
White chocolate or Salad?
A sport you don’t like, for whatever reason.
A body part you really like, for whatever reason.
Something that people always tell you when they meet you first and you hate.
Choose three not-so-positive adjectives for yourself.
These are not exactly three words but its my game and i m allowed to break my rules!
  • Impatient and impulsive.
  • tending-to-unsocial
  • Queen-of-digression-while-story-telling.

You wish you are never a Corporate Hotshot.
A classic must-read did you last read and absolutely hated?
  • Ulysses -James Joyce
16. Something that people around you are good at or at least try their best to that you hate and can't get around to do it.
A color that you don't like wearing.
Something that you'd really enjoy eating that most of your friends would go 'yuck' over.
A celebrity crush that maybe even you don’t understand.
Uninhibited  rant on whatever crushing your cookie at the moment.
All colors, violent colors in my head when I think of the crusher. Good thing. Because words would have confused me and not blended in so well. The nerve behind my ear is about throbbing so hard it's as if it'd burst out and all the colors' would splatter slowly  forming almost legible words; trying albeit not entirely successfully to pass on the message.

Monday, November 14


You can hardly feel 'us' with you.
I escape into the memory when I was me
and more yours than I am now,or ever will be.
The fire burns, still. Barely alive. Inextinguishable.


1. In response to 'Inside' http://player.vimeo.com/video/32032910
["I can hardly see myself alone.
you creep into centres unforseen
and i drowned all your depths 
they burn through my fire"

2.Shared with